Acerca de
The Psi@Home Project Team

Mario Varvoglis
Advisor to Project

Peter Bancel
Project Leader

Jocelyne Boban
Cohort Assistant

Anaïs Bensahra
Cohort Assistant

Jérémie Philippe
Cohort manager

Miriam Gablier
Cohort assistant and translator

Peter Bancel
Projet Leader
Peter completed a doctorate in experimental physics at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, followed by a post-doctoral appointment at IBM's Watson Research Center. He has held positions in France at the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique and the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel at the Université de Nantes. His research interests in physics have included ordering in two-dimensional systems, quasicrystals and protein crystal growth.
In the 2000s, Peter collaborated with the Global Consciousness Project, based in Princeton, NJ, and developed a sophisticated analysis that led to a definitive interpretation of that complex database. In 2008 he joined the Institut Métapsychique International in Paris. His interests at the Institut include process-oriented research into the efficacy of psi-protocols, the interface between psi and quantum theory, and the insights for psi research that may be gained from a dialogue with meditative disciplines.
Peter is currently a member of the board of directors of the Institut, as well as the Parapsychological Association, and has been a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences since 2014. He is a long time buddhist practitioner and an instructor and teacher of meditation. He spends his time between Paris, France and his US home in Connecticut. More on Peter's research can be found here.

Mario Varvoglis
Projet Advisor
Mario holds a doctorate in experimental psychology. His thesis work at the Maimonides Hospital Dream Laboratory in New York City focused on some of the first telepathy studies to use modified states of consciousness, particularly the Ganzfeld protocol. After his doctorate he continued a collaboration with Charles Honorton at the Psychophysical Research Laboratories (PRL) in Princeton, NJ, where he was one of the principal creators of the "auto-Ganzfeld", today considered to be among the most reliable of parapsychological protocols. His work at PRL also included investigations of micro-psychokinesis and pre-cognition.
Mario moved to France in the 1980s where he continued his research in parapsychology, notably making innovative use of multi-media platforms to create tools for the individual exploration of psi abilities. His is the author of numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and review publications. His books include La Rationalité de l’Irrationnel (InterEditions, Paris, 1992), and Le Sixième Sens: Science et Paranormal (Editions du Chêne, Paris, 2004; co-authored with Marie-Monique Robin). He served as President of the Parapsychological Association in 2002 and has been President of the Institut Métapsychique International since 1998.
Mario is a professional consultant and trainer in innovation methods, Design Thinking and Creative Problem Solving. He teaches creativity in French universities and business schools and leads innovation sessions for major international corporations throughout Europe

Jocelyne Boban
Cohort Assistant
Jocelyne holds a bachelors in mathematical physics and a masters in mathematics from the Université de Picardie. After receiving her degrees she began a professional career in the French Administration holding several posts in Finance.
Jocelyne's professional training belies her lifelong interest in psi phenomena. As a young child she experienced significant precognitive abilities. These experiences undermined any certainty in a strictly materialistic understanding of the world and led her to seek out and study alternative explanations for these troubling episodes that marked her childhood. It was by reading a work by Rémi Chauvin, a renowned French parapsychologist and former President of the Institut Métapsychique, that she first heard about the Institut. She subsequently participated in IMI research, first occasionally as a volunteer starting in 2005. Jocelyne joined IMI's staff in 2014, and has been a member of the Board since 2015.

Anaïs Bensahra
Cohort Assistant
Anaïs Bensahra est diplômée de philosophie et secrétaire de l’Institut Métapsychique International. Intéressée depuis sa licence universitaire par les phénomènes psi, son mémoire de recherche a porté sur la pensée d’Henri Bergson dans son rapport avec la métapsychique. Egalement animatrice à l’IMI et journaliste indépendante pour Vertical Project, elle prépare actuellement l’agrégation de philosophie afin de devenir professeure.

Jérémie Philippe
Cohort Manager
Jérémie teaches physics and philosophy of science to students preparing for a master's degree in engineering. He holds an "agrégation" in physics (a french highly selective diploma for teaching) and a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Rennes. He has been educational leader of the online course of the Association of Friends of the IMI since 2014 and a member of the IMI board since 2024. His areas of interest are mainly the philosophy of physics, the philosophy of mind and robotics. He is particularly interested in the mind-body problem and in generalized quantum theory applied to correlations between physical and mental properties.

Miriam Gablier
Translator and Cohort Assistant
Miriam has a degree in history from l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and in philosophy from the l’Université de Rouen. She is a psycho-physical therapist with diplomas from l'Ecole de Psychologie Biodynamique and the London College of Classical Homeopathy.
She is the author of several books which examine the mysterious workings of consciousness, including Les mystères de la conscience: Prémonition, télépathie, voyance, rêves prémonitoires, sorties de corps... (Lotus Elephant, 2019); and Réincarnation, une enquête aux frontière de la mémoire (Martinière BL, 2014).
Miriam joined the IMI Board in 2019.